My Account services will be temporarily unavailable from 6pm on Wednesday 26th February and will be available again by Tuesday 4th March
Homes for Ukraine
Cost of Living crisis
To try and help people worried about the Cost of Living crisis, we have put the information you might need about advice and support in one place on our website.
We have also produced an easy-to-print factsheet which can be downloaded from
To try and help people worried about the Cost of Living crisis, we have put the information you might need about advice and support in one place on our website.
We have also produced an easy-to-print factsheet which can be downloaded from
To try and help people worried about the Cost of Living crisis, we have put the information you might need about advice and support in one place on our website.
We have also produced an easy-to-print factsheet which can be downloaded from
We have produced a Welcome to Sefton pack designed to provide support and advice to people kindly providing space in their homes for Ukrainians fleeing the invasion of their country and for those Ukrainians arriving in our Borough.