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Prioritising tree works

After a tree has been inspected any recommended work will be programmed-in accordingly. Tree works priority is based on the level of Health and Safety risk the tree poses or will pose, potential targets (tree’s location), tree species growth rate and tree’s condition. The works are not prioritised on a “first come first served” basis or by the number of calls a resident made about the tree.

For this reason, we cannot commit ourselves to commence tree works on any specific date or to a fixed timescale. The works schedule is constantly revised, and any more urgent Health and Safety works are slotted in pushing less urgent Health and Safety works further down the list. Weather conditions, storm situations and emergency call outs, can also change the work schedule.

However, there are some types of work that are carried out at specific times of the year.  These include:

  • Pruning/Fell of London planes – are carried out when the tree is not in leaf. London planes are good at trapping dust and pollutant particles.  If pruned while in leaf these particles would be released back into the atmosphere and can cause operatives working on the tree to become ill.
  • Basal growth removal from Limes – these works are carried out in the summer season between June and August. If the growth was removed too early in the year the trees would produce a second growth later in the year. This would mean carrying out the operation twice in the same year.
  • Pruning/Fell of Elms – we try to carry out these works in winter season. This is to prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease onto healthy Elms.
  • Works in parks/green spaces – tree works are predominantly carried out outside bird nesting season, unless the tree(s) do not stand in hedge or high/dense undergrowth.
  • However, if there an imminent danger and Health and Safety risk to the public any of the above time-restricted works can be carried out at any time of the year.

Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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