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Visitor Economy Strategy

The strategy will focus on how Sefton can sustainably grow the number of day and staying visitors to the borough over the next decade.

It will identify the roles of different stakeholders and outline clear actions that they will need to take. It will also inform how resources should be allocated.

The vast majority of visitors to Sefton go to the coastline. The promotion of the coast is a crucial part of the Coast Plan. The strategy will seek to ensure the right balance is maintained between possible damage to natural environment that visitors can cause and the significant opportunities for generating new income.

Sefton Council will take the leading role in producing the strategy through effective consultation and discussions with a wide range of stakeholders. There will be elements of the strategy that will be delivered by others and not just the Council.

The Liverpool City Region Destination Management plan will be completed by the summer of 2024, and Sefton’s Visitor Economy Strategy will follow and is anticipated to be complete by the end of 2024.

Last Updated on Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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