My Account services will be temporarily unavailable from 6pm on Wednesday 26th February and will be available again by Tuesday 4th March
Getting Help
Portage service for children with developmental concerns, home visits and stay and play sessions.
SEND Advice line for practitioners.
Specific training relating to areas of focus e.g., Wellcomm language, trauma informed practice.
Targeted quality improvement visits, bespoke training and support and action plan support for settings needing this.
Childcare sufficiency collation and data.
2-year integrated review promoted and supported for children who are beginning to show developmental concerns.
Playing to learn: One to one parent course (of children aged 2-8) which aims to strengthen parenting skills by developing techniques which support positive child behaviour by focusing on play, interaction, praise, and rewards. Supports parenting techniques of effective limit setting, consequence and problem solving. Increases children’s social skills and emotional language as well as parents and child's relationship.
Chatter time: A 6-week course aimed at supporting the communication, speech and language development of children aged 2 - 4 years of age.
Baby and You: Various activities for babies are on offer including Baby Massage (age 8weeks - 24weeks), Baby Rhyme and Baby Sensory (age birth to 18months).
Relax Kids: These groups are particularly beneficial for children who may be experiencing anxiety, low self-esteem, or lack of confidence. They can be delivered in a group or one to one.
Targeted Book start scheme the scheme gifts a book to children 0-5 deemed vulnerable.
Home-Start is a voluntary organisation committed to promoting the welfare of families with at least one child under 5 years of age.
Volunteers offer regular support, friendship, and practical help to families under stress in their own homes to prevent family crisis and breakdown.
Book start scheme - Libraries co-ordinate the Book start scheme which gifts a book to every baby 0-2 years.
Each library runs a story time and rhyme time session each week.
Weekend club encouraging families to play together.
Each library has a dedicated section where free loan of children's books is available.
Two libraries run special sensory play sessions 0–5-year-olds.
Free children's e-books and e-audio books are available via the library website.
Families are supported and signposted to targeted services when additional needs are identified.
Directing families to the Local Offer Page
Workforce delivers early interventions with families to prevent escalation into non universal services.
Additional HCP contacts are made as part of Early Intervention or Early Help
Making Every Contact Count
The delivery of packages of care for example: 0-5 Listening Visits for PIMH.
Attendance at the weekly local authority partnership meeting to review cases
Support to midwifery staff from Named Midwife & Children's Safeguarding team in completing a referral to EH.
Community midwife liaising with Health Visitor to share relevant and proportionate information for ongoing support. information & advice provided to pregnant mums from midwives, regarding Early help services.
Community midwives to attend any meetings arranged by lead practitioner for early help plan.
Hypnobirthing-open to all women booked to deliver at S&O. there is a £30 cost for reading material but course itself is free.
The Real Birth Digital Programme v2.0-birth preparation workshop hospital protocol. Digital antenatal education, offering accessible, evidence-based information to all pregnant women. From July 2023 there will be a resumption of face-to-face antenatal education based on this programme.