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Smoke Free Environments

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Smoke-free Environments

Stopping smoking is one of the best things anyone can do to protect the health or their children through pregnancy and beyond. If the parents or carers of children are not or willing to stop smoking completely, establishing a smoke free home and car and not smoking in front of children is the next best option. 

Breathing in other people's tobacco smoke (secondhand, passive or involuntary smoking) is known to cause a range of disorders from minor eye and throat irritation to heart disease and lung cancer. Children are particularly vulnerable to the effectes of secondhand smoke and exposure increases the risk of cot death, glue ear, asthma and other respiratory disorders, including emphysema later in life. 

Smoking inside a private vehicle with a child or young person aged under 18 present is illegal in the UK.

Support to stop smoking.

Stopping smoking before conception is the best possible option for parents and carers who may get pregnant. 

If a woman finds out that she is pregnant and wants to stop smoking, she is 4 times more likely to successfully quit if she uses help available from specialist stop smoking services. To access help, the family should speak to their midwife or GP.

Living Well Sefton is an organisation that can help you stop smoking. If you – or someone you care about – live or work in Sefton and want to stop smoking, you can talk to them directly straight away (or speak to your GP first if you prefer… they can refer you to them as well). 

Living Well Sefton work locally with the NHS to provide all the advice, support and therapy you need to help you break the habit. 

Most people who attend the sessions manage to give up within 12 weeks, for good. 

They can also help you or your teenager stop smoking or smoking vapes too! 

Call Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm 

0300 100 1000  Or text ABL to 62277 

Electronic cigarettes or 'vapes' 

Many people are now choosing electronic cigarettes to help them stop smoking, and this can be a very effective way to quit. Public Health England have determined that   e-cigarettes carry 95% less of the risk of harm compared to smoking cigarettes, and concluded that people who want to use e-cigarettess to stop smoking should do so. 

Further links and information

The Lullaby Trust offers further information regarding smoking during pregnancy and after birth. Their website also has some Frequently Asked Questions to support with smoke free environments. 

NHS Stop Smoking information   

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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