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Your two year old

Your Two Year Old 

Physical Development 

When your child takes their first steps , they may walk carefully and a bit unsteadily, but it won't be long until they are running. You may feel as if you are raising a little whirlwind. Gross motor skills develop rapidly during the toddler years, and your little one's blossoming curiosity will help to propel them as far they can go.

Toddlers require at least three hours of physical activity each day. At this age, children are starting to explore their environment and will naturally want to try new things, like running and climbing stairs. Let them explore while keeping safety measures in place.

The good news is that as long as you can provide the space for your child to move, they will get the exercise they need on their own.

Outdoor activities can be explored in all weather. Taking walks around your neighborhood and or letting your toddler lead the way on a forest trail or along the beach are perfect ways to make sure your child gets enough physical movement in their day.

Toddlers don't yet need organised sports, but they may enjoy low-pressure parent and child classes such as football, yoga, or music classes. They learn and develop best through play.

Language development 

Your 2-year-old is now speaking in longer sentences—up to four words in some cases. That's not surprising considering they know up to 50 words and are likely learning new ones every single day.

Your toddler is also able to understand and follow more complicated directions with three or more steps (if they feel like being agreeable), and beginning to understand more complicated language concepts like inside, on, below, etc.

You may need to start being careful of what you say, because your toddler will likely repeat you at inopportune times—which can make for some embarrassing situations.

Social and emotional development

Younger toddlers don’t really play together—they engage in something called “parallel play,” which basically means that they are playing near each other, but not actually interacting with one another. 

Your child will learn how to connect with the people around them and will like to copy what adults and other children do. They will enjoy the company of other children, but are not yet able to share. 

How to help your child learn and grow

Playing with your child at every opportunity will help them to thrive and develop in all areas. Find time to engage in play and conversations with your toddler. Playtime could be as simple as rolling a ball back and forth, handing you their toys or helping you with safe activities like folding clothes with your supervision. These types of activities can help develop pro-social behaviours by fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration with others.

Your child will love matching games such as shape sorting or simple jigsaws as they try to understand the relationships between objects 

A group of children playing with toys

Your child’s understanding of cause and effect is developing so will enjoy engaging in wind-up toys and may even show an interest in turning lights and appliances off.  

Your child’s motor skills are developing more and more, and they can now coordinate movements of fingers, palm and wrists and will enjoy opening jars and turning doorknobs. Try integrating movement activities into their play such as using tongs, holding plates, manipulating smaller items like interlocking construction pieces. Using playdough or making cornflour slime is a great way to develop motor skills. 

When to be concerned 

All children grow at their own pace and in their own way, but there are certain signs that your child may be experiencing a developmental delay.

You may want to speak seek further advice if your child: 
  • has trouble hearing or seeing things
  • isn't putting two or more words together 
  • can't follow simply instructions, such as 'get your shoes' 
  • doesn't come to you for affection or comfort 
  • finds walking difficult 





blue slime in childs hands

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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