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Dog Fouling

Dog fouling left by irresponsible dog owners in not only anti-social but it is also a potential health risk linked with toxocara canis. Contact with infected dog fouling can cause stomach upsets, sore throats, asthma and in rarecases blindness. Eggs remain active in soil for many months.Bag It Bin It

We recognise that most dog owners are responsible, but a small minority continue to cause problems showing a lack of regard for the borough in many ways including, discarding of full fouling bags on the street, on grass verges or tied to fence posts. These are all littering offences.

To report a dog fouling offence please register with our My Services Portal.

The Law

The Sefton MBC Public Space Protection Order [Dog Control] 2021 allows a Fixed Penalty Notice of £75 to be issued against offenders who fail to remove their dogs fouling. None payment will result in prosecution and a potential maximum fine of £1000 and a criminal record. Section 87 Environmental Protection Act 1990 makes it a criminal offence to throw down, drop or otherwise deposit litter such a dog fouling bags and allows a £75 FPN to be issued.

How do we deal with Fouling Complaints?

Our external contractor undertakes patrols regularly during the day, evenings and at weekends to identify offenders. The council has delegated powers to Police Community Support Officers and Green Sefton Officers who can now all issue FPN's. 

Environmental Enforcement Officers will investigate fouling complaints when sufficient information has been provided to identify the offender and issue a FPN. As resources allow Cleansing Services will remove dog fouling during street sweeping operations.


  • Always carry sufficient number of bags with you 
  • Always remove your dog’s fouling by placing it in the nearest bin or taking it home
  • Do not discard any fouling bags
  • Respect communities where you walk your dog and encourage fellow dog walkers to be responsible
  • Never let you dog stray from your sight or home
  • Report any offender to the council 

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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