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Highway Proposals


Important Information

  • These design proposals have since had minor updates following public engagement feedback and technical officer advice.


Norwood Mitigation Improvements Scheme aim is to make it safer for everyone to move around Norwood by slowing the speed of traffic and discourage drivers rat running through the residential area of Norwood and use other routes, such as Norwood Road, Norwood Avenue and Roe Lane.

The Norwood Area Mitigation scheme is designed to complement the Southport Eastern Access Improvement scheme that covers Eastbank Street / Bridge Street to Kew Roundabout, and also connects to Foul Lane and Meols Cop Station. Southport Eastern Access involves the delivery of some highway improvements to reduce congestion on the eastern approaches to Southport. The scheme also includes active travel and safety improvements as well as traffic mitigation measures to address changes in traffic patterns resulting from the reopening of Foul Lane; one of the measures proposed. We need to ensure that traffic, travelling to and from the town centre remains on the main roads and that we have good quality crossing facilities. These changes may affect traffic flows in and around Norwood, which the Norwood Area Mitigation scheme is designed to address whilst also making it easier for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users to travel around. 

The Norwood Area Mitigation scheme has been grouped into the following areas where we plan to improve junctions, the quality of footways, crossings and cycle lanes and, in some places, change waiting and loading restrictions.

  • Norwood Avenue
  • Bispham Road
  • Old Park Lane
  • Canning Road
  • Cobden Road
  • Wennington Road
  • Area wide measures

The map below shows an overview of all the proposals. For more detailed plans, check out the related links on this page.

Norwood Mitigation Overview Map (1) (jpeg 973KB)

Work with local schools

As part of this scheme, we are working with the local schools from the autumn term. As part of this, the Council will be engaging with school pupils on how think their local areas should look as well understanding their views on the proposed improvements to walking and cycling, making a safer streets.

Proposed Designs 

01 - Improving the junction of Norwood Avenue and Roe Lane (jpg 154KB)
02 - New Crossing on Norwood Avenue (jpg 164KB)
03 - Bispham Road Overview (jpg 318KB)
04 - Bispham Road and Wennington Road (jpg 203KB)
05 - Bispham Road and Canning Road (jpg 168KB)
06 - Bispham Road and Old Park Lane (jpg 292KB)
07 - Old Park Lane Junction Improvement Overview (jpg 331KB)
08 - Old Park Lane Devonshire Road Junction Improvement (jpg 226KB)
09 - Canning Road Junction Improvements (jpg 188KB)
10 - Junction Treatment Overview (jpg 388KB)
11 - Crowland Street Junction Improvement (jpg 174KB)
12 - Wennington Road, Roe Lane and Hesketh Drive (jpg 237KB)

Last Updated on Thursday, October 10, 2024

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