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Consultation Feedback


A public consultation was held on the Southport Eastern Access Improvement scheme in two stages. Both stages used the same information, with key stakeholders being offered a meeting or in person visits to discuss elements of the plans in more detail.

Stage 1 – Focused on key stakeholders identified by the Council, and those who have an interest in the land on which the scheme will be delivered, either through a freehold, leasehold, or statutory undertaking.

Stage 2 – Wider public engagement. This ran from 3rd November to 23rd December 2023.

The Southport Eastern Access improvement scheme area is on the eastern approach to Southport Town Centre and is recognised as having a mixture of light industrial, retail, and residential uses. The area can experience traffic congestion particularly at peak hours and on days when significant numbers of visitors travel to the town. It also   and has limited walking and cycling (active travel) links. This can cause traffic delays and air pollution, as well as limiting the accessibility of employment and leisure opportunities for those choosing more sustainable modes of travel. The aim of the scheme is to therefore to tackle these issues and create safe walking and cycling routes whilst also improving traffic conditions. This will enhance safety, the overall public realm and attractiveness of the routes/area.

We asked for comments of the proposed and walking and cycling improvements. Since the public consultation, the Council have agreed on the phasing of how the scheme will be delivered. The phases are below:

Phase 1 – To be delivered in 2025.

  • Bispham Road Junction
  • Sussex Road Junction
  • Foul Lane Cycleway Enhancement (corridor improvement).

Phase 2 – To be delivered in 2026.

  • Kew Roundabout

Phase 3 – To be delivered in/after 2027 (subject to funding).

  • Castlemore Junction
  • Meols Cop Active Travel
  • Hampton Road Tiger Crossing
  • Virginia Street Roundabout
  • Bridge Street Junction

Map showing Southport Eastern Access delivery phases (1) (pdf 1.24MB)

The consultation results will be used to inform the next stages of the scheme as the Council moves towards confirming the final designs.

Findings of the consultation

Within the Your Sefton Your Say survey the public had an opportunity to comment on all individual elements of the scheme. The main findings and answers to some key queries and concerns can be found below:

There were 17 responses from stage 1 and 241 from stage 2 to the online surveys. All have been reviewed and analysed alongside the 16 emails responses that came directly via the Transport Planning inbox, which have been responded to.

We have picked out the key themes and concerns and tried to answer them below:


You Said:

Overall congestion

  • A common theme from the Southport Eastern Access consultation was concerns how the proposals may result in more congestion.

Congestion during construction

  • Another theme related to congestion was the impact on journey times as part of the construction phase.

We Did:

Overall congestion

  • Proposals for SEA have been designed to both improve conditions for motorists as well as walking and cycling. Traffic modelling has been undertaken for all key junctions. There is an intention to create a parallel route for traffic along Foul Lane and Wennington Road, which should both ease congestion and improve this route for cyclists.

Congestion during construction

Sefton Council appreciate that during the construction phase period an increase in congestion may be experienced by some road users. Construction is to be carefully phased and


You Said:

The new Sainsbury’s Southport superstore is planned to open February 2024 and will add a new supermarket offering for Southport residents. The consultation responses raised concerns how the new store may add further congestion to the Kew Roundabout area.

We Did:

The Council has undergone traffic modelling to confirm roads have enough capacity. The development has its own transport assessments undertaken as part of the planning process.


You Said:

Displaced parking was raised as a concern from the consultation throughout a couple of the junction improvements.

We Did:

This will be further considered as part of the design process and fed back accordingly to designers and was mainly in relation to Haig Avenue and phase 3 improvements.


You Said:

Comments were received from properties that proposed plans would amend vehicular access to properties.

We Did:

Sefton Council are aware of these comments and are contacting property owners to find workable solutions. It should be noted that the Council are prioritising properties which fall within earlier phases to be contacted first. A vehicle tracking exercises will be undertaken to confirm that vehicle access meets all standards.


You Said:

Fly tipping had been raised as a concern with plans associated with Foul Lane being closed at Castlemore junction.

We Did:

The Council are considering with designers’ ways in which areas can be planned to minimise fly tipping.


You Said:

  • Comments were received for concern of loss of trees and greenspace.
  • Noise and air pollution were raised in consultation responses.

We Did:

The Council are in discussions with Green Sefton around the whole scheme including trees. In addition, this scheme is one of the first schemes to be going through a carbon assessment process which will include the consideration of trees and the need to mitigate this and replace / replant.


You Said:

  • Comments were received that fully segregated cycle lanes should be proposed instead of lightly segregated cycle lanes which the Council are looking further into.
  • Concerns that the Bus 46 (Russel Road – Carr Lane) will be impacted by the proposed banned left turn from Norwood Road to Tithebarn Road were raised.

We Did:

  • The Council are looking further into where light and fully segregated cycle lanes / infrastructure are appropriate. It should be noted that some areas of development are constrained to the available space / width of the highway.
  • Discussions have been held with Merseytravel regarding the whole scheme and these improvements will not affect the bus routes.


You Said:

Comments were received by residents that the proposals do not go far enough for improving cycling and walking infrastructure along Norwood Road.

We Did:

Enhancing cycling connectivity along Norwood Road was investigated by the Council. This route was not deemed appropriate due to carriageway width and the principle nature of the road, in that it’s a main road connecting the north of Southport to Kew Roundabout. A more appropriate parallel route was agreed to be safer, this being Foul Lane Cycleway Enhancement and up Wennington Road.


You Said:

Comments were received that the proposals of opening up Foul Lane to vehicles will result in rat-running as motorists try to avoid Norwood Road / Meols Cop Road.

We Did:

The Council are aware that reopening Foul Lane up to vehicles will inevitably result in surrounding roads experiencing vehicles, this being the reason mitigation measures are currently being developed for Norwood. Measures will be agreed with Ward Members and the community. The Council have undertaken modelling for these proposals and further modelling will be done as part of developing the final designs and business case. Mitigation measures will be implemented before Foul Lane is opened to vehicles.


You Said:

Comments were received regarding making Kew Roundabout a signalised junction to improve the flow of traffic and to hopefully make for safer driving conditions.

We Did:

Making Kew Roundabout signalised to improve the flow of traffic has been taken onboard and is being investigated by the Council.


You Said:

Comments were received for Foul Lane to remain open at the Castlemore Junction for vehicles, and not just solely for walking and cycling.

We Did:

Castlemore Junction is to be delivered in phase 3, 2027. Sefton Council have taken feedback onboard and are using this to inform further designs.


You Said:

Comments were received from businesses and residents how the proposed plan will directly impact parking.

We Did:

The Council are looking into achieving safer streets for school pupils while minimising the impact onto the local community. Sefton Council are keen to accelerate delivering Meols Cop School Active Travel improvements in an earlier phase, but this is subject to funding.


You Said:

Comments were received that the proposed cycle infrastructure and one-way road layout arrangement on Hampton Road will directly impact access to properties.

We Did:

Different cycle lane and one-way road layout arrangements are being considered for Hampton Road so that access to properties is minimised. The Council are also in communication with both the school and church regarding this.


You Said:

Comments were received regarding pedestrian and cycling crossing infrastructure at Virginia Street Roundabout. It was for proposals to go further with having a zebra crossing on all arms of the roundabout and not just the St James Street arm, improving safety and access for all directions.

We Did:

One of the main aims of this scheme is to improve conditions for both cycling and walking. The Council welcome comments of how conditions of the proposals can be further improved. Comments relating to more zebra crossings have been fed back to the design team accordingly. It should be noted that the scheme has limited funding available. However further ideas could form part of the mitigation process and / or future schemes in the area.


You Said:

Comments were received that proposals do not improve walking and cycling infrastructure at similar levels to other junction improvements. For example, active travel infrastructure should be prioritised over on-street parking, to encourage alternative forms of travel.

We Did:

Bridge Street Junction is to be delivered in phase 3, 2027. Sefton Council have taken feedback onboard and are using this to inform further designs.


Last Updated on Thursday, October 10, 2024

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