All local authorities are required to produce a Local Plan, which forms part of the development plan. Planning law requires that planning applications are determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Sefton Local Plan (2017) sets out how we will plan the future development of Sefton. It will guide new developments to appropriate locations, while protecting our natural environment and built heritage, and provides guidance to developers on submitting planning applications.
The Local Plan is shaped by the National Planning Policy Framework – the top tier of planning policy. The Framework provides guidance to local authorities and other agencies on planning policy and the operation of the planning system. It covers issues such as design, housing, green belts, economic growth, heritage, biodiversity, flood risk, transport, and healthy and safe communities. This is supported by national Planning Practice Guidance.
Neighbourhood Plans are also part of the development plan, for the areas they cover. These are prepared by Parish or Town Councils or Neighbourhood Forums. Sefton has two such plans; the Maghull Neighbourhood Plan (2018) and the Lydiate Neighbourhood Plan (2018). The Merseyside and Halton Joint Waste Local Plan (2013) is also part of Sefton's development plan.