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Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy

The Sefton Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy was adopted by Sefton Council in July 2023. Its purpose is to provide a strategic framework for the maintenance and improvement of outdoor sports pitches, bowling greens and tennis courts and ancillary facilities over the next few years.

The 2023 Playing Pitch Strategy was prepared by Knight Kavanagh & Page consultants for partners including Sefton Council, Sport England and the National Governing Bodies of relevant sports. It was prepared in accordance with relevant Sport England guidance.

The 2023 Sefton Playing Pitch Strategy covers the pitch sports of cricket, football, hockey and rugby union; and also the non-pitch sports of bowls and tennis.

Sefton Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy (July 2023) (pdf 2.01MB)

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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